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Apply to HMSA

Application Process:

Step 1: Review Information Night Presentations:

Step 2: Review application process

Application Process and Timeline (click to open)

Proceso de Solicitud y Cronología  (haga clic aqui) 

Step 3: Apply Here:  "HMSA Application for 2024-2025 School Year" 

Intructions to apply:
(1) Please print the application
(2) Once you have completed the application, bring it and the requested documents to the HMSA office.
(3) Applications will only be accepted if all materials are brought.
(4) Applications can only be submitted in person at this time.

*No tours being offered at this time*

If any questions, we are here to help. Contact main office at 310-973-8184

Enrollment Policies

Charter Schools may NOT discourage enrollment for any of these reasons:  low academic achievement, economic disadvantaged, English non-proficient, Ethnicity, Foster Youth, Homelessness, Nationality, Neglect or Delinquent, Race, Sexual orientation, Disabilities.  Charter Schools shall NOT: request records or require records to be submitted prior to enrollment, encourage disenrollment for any reason (other than suspension or expulsion).  In order to submit a complaint, complete the Charter School Complaint Form, submit to the charter school authorizer by mail or electronically: Dr. Anakonia Matsumoto, HMSA Principal, 

Las Escuelas Autónomas NO pueden desalentar la inscripción por ninguno de estos motivos: bajo rendimiento académico, desventaja económica, inglés no competente, origen étnico, jóvenes de acogida, personas sin hogar, nacionalidad, negligencia o delincuencia, raza, orientación sexual, discapacidades. Las Escuelas Autónomas NO deberán: solicitar registros o requerir que se presenten antes de la inscripción, alentar la cancelación de la inscripción por cualquier motivo (que no sea suspensión o expulsión). Para presentar una queja, complete el Formulario de queja de la escuela autónoma, envíelo al autorizador de la escuela autónoma por correo o electrónicamente:  Dr. Anakonia Matsumoto, HMSA Principal,