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Free Dress Code Policy


Free Dress


Students must wear shirts that are appropriate to participate in school activities.   Shirts should fit students appropriately and not be too tight, too big, show midriffs or undergarments.  Shirts cannot be balled/bundles or tied up.  If Free Dress is granted to participate in Spirit Week, clothing must meet Spirit Day guidelines.                                

The following are prohibited…

  • Sheer or lace tops
  • Tank tops
  • Off the shoulder tops
  • Altered Clothing (frays, holes, tying, cuts, etc.) 

Absolutely no clothing/item may advertise alcohol or drugs, be related with gang or drug symbols, or be pornographic in nature. 


Students must wear pants that fit the student and not be baggy or tight.  They must be an appropriate length and not drag on the ground, be too high, or show student’s underpants.   

Skirts and or shorts may not be shorter than mid-thigh length (a good indication would be that the length of the skirt would not be shorter than the extended hands middle finger).    

The following are prohibited…

  • Holes in jeans, even if tights are under the jeans
  • Distressed jeans
  • Leggings allowed only under shorts or skirts
  • Pajama bottoms


§Color:  Any      

§ Type:  Athletic or regular

Must have a hard-sole.                                        

No house shoes, moccasins, heels or open-toe shoes

STUDENTS WHO DO NOT FOLLOW GUIDELINES                                                        WILL BE REQUIRED TO CHANGE INTO HMSA UNIFORM.

Prohibited Items


No hats are allowed on campus at any time, and will be confiscated. Jacket hoods cannot be worn.


Symbols, either pinned, sewn, or printed onto clothes, backpacks, or jewelry, may not display any intolerant messages, gang affiliation, vulgar images or messages and/or drug or sexual references.  Any materials displaying symbols described above are subject to immediate confiscation and necessitate a parent conference with Administration.

FREE DRESS CODE POLICY (click to download)